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Mkdocs Simple Generator

mkdocs_simple_gen is a program that will automatically create a mkdocs.yml configuration file (only if needed) and optionally install dependencies, build, and serve the site.


Install the plugin with pip.

pip install mkdocs-simple-plugin

Python 3.x, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 supported.

CLI Reference


Generate and build a mkdocs site.


mkdocs_simple_gen [OPTIONS] [MKDOCS_ARGS]...


  --config-file TEXT    Set the configuration file.
  --build / --no-build  Build the site using mkdocs build.
  --serve / --no-serve  Serve the site using mkdocs serve.
  --help                Show this message and exit.

Last update: August 25, 2023